Developer Advocacy: Uniquely Valuable

May 9, 2023 from 1:00 pm to 1:30 pm

Come with us on a journey to discover the unique value a developer advocate provides through the lens of an area where advocacy is sometimes forgotten – The IBM Mainframe! Today, when talking about mainframes, the subject of modernization is usually a part of the discussion. But what does it mean? What’s certain is that application development plays a major role in it. Delivering value is unquestionably the most important part of our job. But how do we demonstrate that value when it’s not easily quantifiable? Developer Advocacy is an important part of every single organization that works with tech (So, in 2023, every organization…), but it’s not a job whose metrics can easily be measured. So, why is a developer advocate important? And how can we have the hard discussions needed to justify such a position?


Developer Advocacy: Uniquely Valuable