Panel discussion: Integrating Sustainability in the Digital Sphere

May 8, 2023 from 12:00 pm to 12:45 pm

2022 at the Sunday opening of QED we learned. A) Where to find solid scientific information about the state and future scenarios of global climate change (IPCC) – and B) how critical determined and bold action has become. And we discussed C) what each of us at the conference can do as consumer, traveler, citizen, friends, colleagues, parents and in our roles in our organizations could/should do. This year at QED 2023 in the talk preceding this panel Dr. Roland Geres from Future Camp Climate has shown us how businesses large and small can progress successfully on a measurable path to climate neutrality.  

In this panel Roland joins Prof. Nina Begičević Ređep from the University of Zagreb, Vjekoslav Jadrešić from CROZ Zagreb and Joachim Gucker from CROZ in Munich to discuss about sustainability in the context of the digital sphere. Following the mindset of the UN goals for sustainable development we’ll look at Environmental, Social and Governance aspects of sustainability. 
Some questions we’ll try to address and more if the time lasts: 

  • Where is the process of digitalization in managing the carbon footprint in businesses. How could it be improved? Where can Academia, Science, Future Camp and CROZ help? 
  • How broad has the aspect of Sustainability taken roots in a Computer Science curriculum and in the culture of a modern University? 
  • Are there clear trends in expectations and goals concerning sustainability that talented people joining our companies from universities bring with them? How can they help us businesses and we help them as employees to fulfill these? 
  • Is the digital industry delivering new, better, faster solutions in Hard- and Software every year and replacing a lot of existing investments all the time – making them in parts obsolete – more villain than hero concerning sustainability. Where do we see e.g. Cloud, Blockchain and AI concerning that? Is there something like sustainable software? Is our social impact worldwide good or harmful? Have we switched from Shareholder value to Stakeholder value
  • Where do we see value in Governance to help each of us in our roles to proceed faster and more effective to improve sustainability? 
  • And very briefly: What does each panelist strive to achieve in the next 1-2 years to help humanity in their sustainability effort.     


Panel discussion: Integrating Sustainability in the Digital Sphere