Keynote talk: The most important tool is sitting right there in your chair

May 8, 2023 from 9:15 am to 10:15 am


Kelsey Hightower

Kelsey is a pragmatic person, in love with technology but never forgetting that technology should always be in the service of humankind. His rational view on the business-technology interplay and scrutinizing approach to finding value in technology restore sanity in this crazy world often driven solely by technology hype cycles. His ability to dissect business problems and break them down to technology fundamentals never ceases to amaze us. Join us at QED stage and hear first-hand how business and technology interlock to produce value.

We will talk about different perspectives of value, the importance of empathy and walking in your clients’ shoes, how to approach the ever-changing technical landscape, why it is essential to master technical fundamentals, 10x engineers, and much more.


Keynote talk: The most important tool is sitting right there in your chair