“One world” exhibition at Providur’s Palace

May 7, 2023 from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Immerse yourself in the captivating ‘One World’ exhibition at the historic Providur’s Palace in Zadar, a part of the newly renovated “Two Palaces” cultural hub that showcases breath-taking art and architecture. 

Discover an extraordinary collection of Croatian art created by an array of acclaimed artists, such as Vlaho Bukovac, Ivan Meštrović, Dalibor Martinis, Jagoda Buić, and Edo Murtić, among others. With nearly 200 captivating pieces on display, including paintings, sculptures, photography, and new media, the ‘One World’ exhibition is truly an unmissable experience.  

As you navigate the exhibition, remember to appreciate the impressive large atrium of Providur’s Palace, a central zone that connects both the Providur’s and Rector’s Palaces. This architectural marvel showcases a perfect balance between the old and new, reflecting the dedication and vision of architects Iva Letilović and Igor Pedišić. 

Take a moment to explore, and let it nourish your mind and soul. Perhaps it will even inspire your work, as creativity often flourishes when you allow your mind to wander.

Register for the QED conference and make sure to select the exhibition checkbox for an artsy adventure on May 7th at 2 PM. English guidance is included. 


“One world” exhibition at Providur’s Palace