Redefining Efficiency? (The Value of Low-code/No-code Platforms for Enterprise Organizations)

May 9, 2023 from 12:00 pm to 12:30 pm

In this panel discussion we will give an honest insight into Low-code software development which has gained popularity within the past years, partly due to a lack of skilled developers on the market, and partly thanks to its apparent benefit of being cost and timesaving. We will shed light upon its advantages as well as its disadvantages and answer questions such as: How long does it actually take to build an application with a Low-code toolbox? What about lock-in effects? How easily can I integrate a Low-code application with other systems and applications? Are there any prerequisites ? And when should I refrain from using Low-code and stick to classical software development?

Join us in this discussion to find out about perks and pitfalls of Low-code development!


Redefining Efficiency? (The Value of Low-code/No-code Platforms for Enterprise Organizations)